Kids ministry

Pastor justin bellah

Pastor Justin is our newest engaged staff member. Justin hales from Texas and graduated from Southwestern Bible College in Texas. He loves our children and is often seen surrounded by a herd of them. Our children’s ministry is always buzzing, and we would love for you to be a part!

bible warrior’s schedule


  • bible warriors 9:30 AM

  • kids church 10:30 (following worship)

  • jbq practice 6:00 pm (see pastor justin)


  • royal rangers, mpact girls 6:30 PM

our kids programs

kids bus ministry

We take pride in our Bus Ministry! Week after week we pick up kids from all over town. Our desire is to teach the children of our community about the love of Jesus Christ. If your child needs a ride. We run our buses every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Click the button below to register your child for the bus.